As you may be aware, it has been many years now that we manufacture a product of a very high standard of quality the: Kladis Quick Action plate clamps. These is our job and as our clients acknowledge we do them right.
In some of these we are unique. In others, such as the GTO Quick Action plate clamps, we are the standard for replications around the world.
In case you are not familiar with our plate clamps, please browse this website. If, as a business , quality is your priority, we are the right associates for you, since our product have been compiled with the greatest of care.
We are very well aware of the fact that there is a demand from your side to buy the product for lowest price possible. At this point, we would like to inform you that this is exactly our main issue as a manufacturing company based in Europe with the respectively expenses; there is no way that we can manage to reduce the price due to multiple reasons such as manufacturing and labor costs etc.
However, we guarantee that it is our company’s mission to never leave our clients unsatisfied having to deal with low quality and performance problems regarding our products.
Mark that if you don’t find a specific type of speed clamps for you machine don’t hesitate to contact us.